


Contractable Services For Early Intervention and School Programs
Potomac River Clinic offers specialized services in Educational Audiology, Deaf Education and Speech Language Pathology on a contract basis for early intervention services and school programs in the Washington Metropolitan Region. Services may be secured individually or in combination, on an hourly or as needed basis, enabling Part-C agencies and local education agencies to provide high quality, specialized services in a cost-effective manner. Our transdisciplinary professionals are highly skilled, credentialed clinicians who are experienced in educational settings, comfortable collaborating with families and school staff, and knowledgeable about Special Education procedures.

Auditory Verbal Therapy & Speech-Language Pathology Services
  • For school-based Speech Language Pathologists, Auditory-Verbal Therapists are available as a training and support resource for therapists targeting the auditory and oral language development for students with hearing loss.
  • For students with hearing loss, services include auditory comprehension and language assessments, aural habilitation and auditory training, individual and small group speech language therapy using an Auditory-Verbal Approach, and classroom support related to language and literacy.
  • For early intervention programs, Auditory-Verbal Therapists are able to provide specialized instruction and speech services in a natural environment for families of children with hearing loss as directed by the Individualized Family Service Plan.
Educational Audiology Services
  • For the general school population, services include management of annual hearing screenings with appropriate referrals as well as on-site evaluations of hearing and middle ear function.
  • For students with learning difficulties, services include evaluations for Auditory Processing Disorders, both screening and differential assessment batteries. Consultation with program staff to support development and implementation of appropriate accommodations and objectives based on diagnostic findings are provided. Support for assistive technology, such as the use of classroom soundfield systems, is available.
  • For students with documented hearing loss, services include fitting and management of FM systems and earmold services. Consultation and training of staff to support inclusion of students with hearing loss is available in areas ranging from use of hearing technology, to speech and language training, to academic support.
  • For early intervention programs, an Educational Audiologist is able to provide monitoring and support for hearing aids and cochlear implants as well as parent education related to audiology as directed by the Individualized Family Service Plan.
Educational Services
  • For school staff, services include educational support for school programs seeking to improve services for children with hearing loss though on-site consults, staff training, student assessment, and support in the development and implementation of Individualized Education Plans. Professional development programming is also available on a broad array of topics related to language development and academic skill development for students with hearing loss. Mentoring of in-service professionals working toward developing a strong skill set in the areas of auditory and oral language skill development is also available.
  • For students, services include itinerant instruction and academic support focusing on the development of oral language, reading and writing skills, and accessing academic content. Programming can be provided one on one or in a small group setting, in collaboration with the teaching team, and in accordance with the student’s Individual Education Plan.
Family Support Programming
  • Parents and their infants with hearing loss can participate together in a facilitated playgroup directed by an Auditory-Verbal Therapist. Sessions integrate listening and language with rich sensory-motor and play experiences, and parents receive “coaching” as they learn to target communication skills within the context of daily family life. Monthly offerings of a music-based play group are also available, integrating experiences in listening and language with music and movement.
  • Parents and caregivers can participate in workshops, support groups, or targeted coaching sessions on topics related to auditory skills, managing hearing aids and cochlear implants, speech and language development, integrating language activities into routines and play, and supporting literacy and academic skills for children with hearing loss.


The mission of the Potomac River Clinic is to build productive partnerships in research, professional training, and collaborative outreach programs to promote best practices in language learning for children with hearing loss. Our professional team is committed to modeling and promoting research-based practices with the goal of impacting children and families on a local, state, and national level. Potomac River Clinic is building partnerships with a number of private and public organizations and welcomes collaboration in our efforts.

At Potomac River Clinic, we are deliberate about gathering information on our clients through ongoing assessments and data collection, recognizing that within our practice there is a “critical mass” of a “low incidence population.” The objective of data collection is first to design an optimal therapy plan for each child and then to expand our knowledge base of how children with hearing loss learn language. Our team regularly reviews current research in the field and is committed to applying research to practice, as well as developing on-site and collaborative investigations.
Professional Development
Potomac River Clinic’s transdisciplinary team engages in an ongoing program of professional development across disciplines of audiology, speech and language, child development, technology, and education with the objective of ensuring evidence-based practice. Development activities are regularly open to professionals in the community hosted either at our offices or other sites.
Internships and Externships
The therapy team at Potomac River Clinic has unique expertise with hearing loss. Graduate programs in Speech Pathology, Audiology, and Oral/Deaf Education regularly seek opportunities for their students to train at our center.

Potomac River Clinic also has a Clinical Psychology Externship that provides graduate students with opportunities to immerse in the practice of early childhood development, education, and oral/deaf education. Clinical research and training in language and child development are cornerstones of the externship experience. The training experience, in regard to understanding individual child development, is obtained through observation and the assessment and documentation of basic biological, psychological, behavioral, cognitive, and social needs of children. The application of theory and consultation with teachers and other professionals for intervention is exercised. Learn more>>

Potomac River Clinic’s proximity to the nation’s capital facilitates engagement with policymakers and advocates on a national level. We are actively engaged in issues related to early intervention, children’s health insurance, and Special Education. Staff members participate in state level meetings such as DC Hears and Virginia EHDI.
Potomac River Clinic’s therapists are engaged in local and national organizations. Our professionals regularly present at national conferences such as EHDI and Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AGBell) on topics such as service models for Deaf families, effective therapy strategies for multiply involved children, partnering with school programs, and practice management.